Monday, February 10, 2025
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Form Available BOX OFFICE FASHION SHOW & TALENT HUNT 1. Womaniya A-97 Ground floor world tread Center Tripureswor(Ph. 01-4117142) 2. Womaniya G-24 Ground floor city center kamalpokhari (Ph. 01-4011523) 3. Young forever shop no. 202 peoples plaza New-Road (Ph. 01-4157595) 4. Ashta Narayan Pictures P. Ltd: Balaju 5. Shubha-kamagf Hall: Banepa 6. Shidartha hall: Bauddha, Jorpati 7. Prithwi hall: Bauddha 8....
If you think your sex life isn't what it once was, you're not alone. People in the U.S. are having less of it today than they did generations ago, and a new study suggests that marriage may be part of the problem. Married people typically had sex 73 times a...

Mrs. Tamang- 2018

Mrs.Tamang- 2018 Forms Available : काठमाडौँ – तामाङ समुदायको बिबाहित महिलाहरुको प्रतिभालाई प्रस्फुटन गर्न एकमात्रा platform मिसेस तामाङ प्रतियोगिता session २ को आबेदन फारम खुलेको छ | पहिलो मिसेस तामाङ २०१७ अर्थात् session १ को सफलताको साथ सम्पन्न संगै SK Entertainment ले मिसेस तामाङ २०१८ अर्थात् session २ को आबेदन खुलीसकेको...
If you think your sex life isn't what it once was, you're not alone. People in the U.S. are having less of it today than they did generations ago, and a new study suggests that marriage may be part of the problem. Married people typically had sex 73 times a...
If you think your sex life isn't what it once was, you're not alone. People in the U.S. are having less of it today than they did generations ago, and a new study suggests that marriage may be part of the problem. Married people typically had sex 73 times a...
अन्तराष्ट्रिय सौन्दर्य प्रतियोगीता ‘मिस इको इन्टरनेशनल २०१८’मा नेपालको प्रतिनिधित्व मौनता लामाले गर्ने भएकी छन्। मिस इकोका लागि आधिकारिक प्राप्तसंस्था ग्रिन आर्ट मिडियाले बिहिबार राजधानीको रोयल इम्पायल होटलमा एक कार्यक्रम गर्दै प्रतियोगी सार्वजनिक गरेको हो। कार्यक्रममा मिडियाले लामालाई ‘मिस इको इन्टरनेशनल नेपाल २०१८’को क्राउन समेत लगाइ दियो। गत बर्षकी मिस...

Mrs. Tamang-2018

Mrs. Tamang- 2018 After the successful completion of Mrs Tamang 1st season 2017 , SK Entertainment is going organize Mrs Tamang 2nd Season 2018 , Soon!! -- Hurry up -- Welcome to interested married tamang participants-- For further details Plz Contact  :    9851079797  Anita Tamang -9840311102
If you think your sex life isn't what it once was, you're not alone. People in the U.S. are having less of it today than they did generations ago, and a new study suggests that marriage may be part of the problem. Married people typically had sex 73 times a...
कलेज अध्ययनरत किशोरीहरुबिच राजधानीमा सम्पन्न सौन्दर्य प्रतियोगिमा प्रकृति कार्की मिस कलेज आइकन २०१८ भएकी छिन्। एएनपी मिडिया हाउसद्धारा राजधानीको जमलस्थित राष्ट्रिय नाचघरमा सम्पन्न प्रतियोगितामा प्रकृति वेष्ट हेयर उपउपाधि विजेता पनि भएकी छिन्। प्रतियोगितामा सिसम आचार्य फष्ट रनर्सअपका साथ मष्ट आइकनीक आइज, अन्जली चित्रकार सेकेन्ड रनर्सअपका साथ मष्ट व्युटिफल आइज र...
Moin Uddin ,Kathmandu Aswini Jha is a pageant coach and fashion choreographer from Sarlahi. He has been in the modeling field since his early days. He has worked both nationally and internationally and represented mostly Nepal in all major Indian cities. He started his career as an assistant choreographer in...