Nepal’s Renowned Pageant Choreographer Aswini Kant Jha, the recipient of “National Youth Talent Award 2077 ” is recently feliciated with “National Personality and Creator Honor 2078” by Ribbon Entertainment Pvt. Ltd. On the ocassion of 7th anniverssary of Ribbon Entertainment, the organization feliciated various personalities working in different sectors like film, music, social service, entertainment, fashion design, pageant etc with the slogan “Contribution to the Nation, Special Honor to the Distinguished Personality and the Creator”. The first Vice – President of the Republic Nepal Parmananda Jha graced the event as the chief guest whereas General Manager of Tribhuvan International Airport Pratap Babu Tiwari and senior artist and the first actress of Nepli films, Bhuvan Chand, were the special guests invited on the occasion. Choreographer Jha was feliciated jointly by the chief guest ex vice president Parmanand Jha along with the special guests and the organizer as well as the C.E.O of Ribbon Entertainment Mr. Nishu Jha. Choreographer Jha has been continuously giving his excellence as a pageant and fashion choreographer since more than a decade. He has received many national and international awards as well as honors. Choreographer Aswini, who is also an advisor of Fashion Designers Council of Nepal, is currently one of the most popular, busy and successful choreographers in Nepal.
Many other distinguished personalities like actors Dhiren Shakya, Pradeep Bastola, Sushil Shrestha, Actress Sakshi Lamsal, Comedian Gopal Dhakal (Chhande), Film Director Sudarshan Thapa, Raju Adhikari, Music Video Director Bidhan Karki, Filmmaker Nabin Adhikari, Film Writer Shivam Adhikari, Music Director Arjun Pokharel, Lyricist Dayaram Pandey, choreographer Ramji Lamichhane, fashion designer Amit Jha, Mrs. Asia Pacific / Mrs. Nepal International Chanda Thapa Giri, pageant directors Balkrishna Pokhrel and Preeti Karki, auto dealer and NADA central secretary Anup K. Baral were also felicitated on the occasion. Speaking on the ocassion, the First Vice President Jha said that those working in the field of arts are far above politics because they are the one who reflects the society and such artists and creators deserves great respect and honor from the nation. NIshu Jha, the C. E. O of the organization stated that the honored personalities were honored for their excellence and contribution at the national and international level in their respective fields. The program was held at Music City Hall, Balkumari, Lalitpur.